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AHK Singapore: Position Paper

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Why German Businesses support an EU-ASEAN FTA

Position Paper 2023_Cover

For the last decade, Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have mostly been ratified bilaterally between the EU and countries in the Asia-Pacific. While bilateral FTAs allow mutual trade concessions between two countries, they offer limited opportunities for market expansion on a regional level.

Against this backdrop, the Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (SGC) has published a position paper reiterating the pressing need to resume negotiations of a region-to-region EU-ASEAN agreement. 

The position paper was based on findings from a recent survey conducted with 169 member companies from German Chambers across the ASEAN region. More than half of the respondents viewed an EU-ASEAN FTA as a very important driver for business and economic growth.

Download the position paper below to read the results.

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