1.0 mil Population
Head of Government: Chief Minister
1,664 km² Size
Area code: 06
Malacca City State Capital
Region: Peninsular Malaysia
Investment Performance
No. of projects: 151
Domestic Investments: RM2.43 bil
Foreign Invesments: RM2.34 bil
Total Investments: RM4.77 bil
Top Industries
- Electric & Electronics
- TKR Manufacturing (Malaysia)
- Dominant Opto Technologies Sdn Bhd
- Boingtech Malaysia Sdn Bhd
- Texas Instruments Sdn Bhd
- Koa Denko Sdn Bhd
- Infineon Technologies (M) Sdn Bhd
- Automotive
- Honda Malaysia Sdn Bhd
- Peps JV Sdn Bhd (EPMB)
- Aerospace
- Composites Technology Research Malaysia Sdn Bhd (CTRM)
- IAC Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
- Oil and Gas
- Petronas Penapisan (Melaka) Sdn Bhd
- Edra Energy Sdn Bhd
- Malaysian Refining Company Sdn Bhd
- Renewable Technology
- Xinyi Solar (M) Sdn Bhd
- SunPower Malaysia Manufacturing Sdn Bhd (Maxeon Malaysia)
- Halal Products
- Kewpie Malaysia Sdn Bhd
- Perniagaan Orang Kampung
- Melaka Halal Hub Sdn Bhd
- Machinery and Equipment
- Cohu Malaysia Sdn Bhd
- Konica Minolta Business Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
- Pharmaceuticals
- Xepa Soul Pattinson (M) Sdn Bhd
- Kotra Pharma (M) Sdn Bhd
- Biotechnology
- Maritime
The tourism industry in Melaka holds huge potential for the state as it is popular for its well preserved culture and heritage.
Tourist arrival:
*Source: Invest Melaka